
The aim and purpose of mathematics at St Teresa’s Academy is to provide high quality teaching to ensure all children progress in their fluency, reasoning, understanding and application. Teachers promote pupils’ enjoyment of maths and provide opportunities for children to build a conceptual understanding of maths before applying their knowledge to everyday problems and challenges

We provide pupils with a bespoke and adaptive mathematics curriculum which enables every pupil to achieve well. Our pupils deserve the very best education at St Teresa’s and our curriculum is uncompromised and aspiration for all children.

Our teaching & learning opportunities in maths enable: 

Development of pupils’ independence and resilience in solving mathematical problems. 

Confident mathematicians able to apply Key Recall Facts, knowledge and skills across the curriculum and in life. 

All pupils to succeed, whatever their learning barrier. Pupils are encouraged to be brave and push the boundaries, deepening their mathematical understanding further. We are building maths mastery so pupils have high aspirations and become life-long learners.

Curriculum Drivers: Aspiration, Knowledge of the World, Communication, Preparation for Life, Community. Our curriculum drivers enable us to fulfil our mission of:  ‘Pray Together, Aspire Together, Achieve Together.


Our maths planning is bespoke and ‘needs lead’. 

We use (and adapt) the ‘Power Maths’ mastery scheme that promotes the concrete, abstract and pictorial approach to teaching maths. 

Children have a daily maths lesson as well as ‘same day intervention’ to overcome misconceptions. In addition to this, children are provided with ‘Flashbacks’ in their ‘Walk in to Learning’ tasks to help with their retention. 

We also have our own Key Recall Facts checklists for each class and term to ensure automaticity. These focus on arithmetic & recall skills. 

Pupis complete regular end of unit quizzes, knowledge and skill tests and Key Facts Checks to help staff and leaders further adapt planning to meet the needs of each cohort. 

Staff CPD has been extensive to ensure we use the principles of the NCETM Ready to Progress Criteria (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics)  units to close learning gaps in arithmetic, reasoning and problems solving.  

Power Maths “…making maths an adventure, the whole-class mastery approach that works for every child.”


We are already seeing the impact of our determined teaching and strong maths curriculum whereby every child is enabled to ‘Aspire and Achieve’ in mathematics. 

Maths Outcomes 2024

In 2024, we were very proud to see that 79% of our Y6 pupils achieved the national expectation for maths which is above the UK average of 73%. Within this group, 17% achieved a Greater Depth of Study.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Maths Outcomes 2023

In 2023, we were very proud to see that 82% of our Y6 pupils achieved the national expectation for maths which is above the UK average of 73%. Within this group, 25% achieved a Greater Depth of Study.

We also have seen success from our ‘Times Tables Rockstar’ and daily times table checks.

Year 4 pupils completed a statutory online test for Multiplication & Division facts in June 2023. We believe being really confident in x and ÷ and rapidly recalling facts is a good foundation for fractions, %, problem solving, and other mathematical concepts as pupils get older.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

These strong results show how our focus on retrieval and fluency in maths is benefiting our pupils and we look forward to seeing more positive outcomes in maths across the school.

Maths Outcomes 2022

In 2022, 80% of our Y6 pupils achieved the national expectation for maths which was above the UK average of 72%. Within this group, 13% achieved a Greater Depth of Study.