As a Catholic academy, our faith is central to who we are and what we do. This is reflected throughout our Catholic Curriculum and all aspects of our life together as a richly diverse community. 

We model our behaviour and expectations on Jesus’ example focusing on love, forgiveness and Jesuit values & virtues.  

Staff and pupils work together to prepare thoughtful, reverent Masses, prayer and liturgies. Parents and members of the wider community are always welcome to join us for Class Liturgies and Mass celebrated in school.

We work closely with our Parish clergy: Fr. Pawel Bielak (Parish Priest).

We share our faith on a daily basis, and welcome families of all faiths, or none, so that all pupils will learn a deep respect and tolerance for religious beliefs.

We celebrate how uniquely we are made in the image of God as we  prepare pupils to take their places in a multi –cultural society, developing in them a sense of peace, justice and respect. Children at St Teresa’s have wide opportunities to put faith into action within our locality, parish and beyond. 

Mission Statement

We are passionate about our shared Mission. Pupils, staff and parents reviewed our mission statement in the Autumn Term of 2024. We are very proud to bear witness to our renewed Mission each day:

With Jesus at the centre of all we do, we: pray together, aspire together, achieve together. Learning from St Teresa’s’ ‘Little Ways’ to show love to all.

Our academy prepares pupils to take their places in a multicultural society, developing in them a sense of peace, justice and respect.

Our patron saint St Teresa (Thérèse of Lisieux ) is known as a Doctor of the church “If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” Pope St. John Paul II named St. Thérèse of Lisieux a Doctor of the Church because of the powerful influence of her spirituality, known as the ‘Little Way’.

Our pupils are challenged to find Little Ways to show our Christian values each day.

Catholic Pupil Profile

We have adopted the Values and Virtues from our diocese Catholic Pupil Profile and these form our half termly Values lessons and awards. Our Catholic values and virtues encourage mutual respect which is evident through all aspects of life at St Teresa’s Academy. 



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