Music at St Teresa’s

Music is a key thread throughout our motto of : Praying together, Aspiring together, Achieving together.

Music at St Teresa’s is planned to be fully inclusive to every child. We work closely with the Wolverhampton Music School to ensure we fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for music, provide a broad, balanced and vibrant curriculum and ensure the progressive development of knowledge, skills and vocabulary.

We are using our curriculum drivers of: Aspiration, Knowledge of the World, Communication, Preparation for Life, Community to achieve our intentions in these curriculum areas.

Our music curriculum follows the National Curriculum expectations for KS1, KS2 and the Statutory EYFS Framework. 

In Key Stages 1-2 discreet lessons follow progressive curriculum plans to ensure pupils acquire and use knowledge and skills in all subject areas.

We use Charanga music and the Wolverhampton Music School Service to provide our pupils with high quality music lessons and experiences where they achieve and aspire.

We continually review our  music curriculum planning to ensure coverage and progression within the musical activities of performing, composing and listening/appraising. 

Beyond lessons:

  • Mass, Liturgical song & Hymn Practice
  • Big Sing – Singing in the Rain (postponed Spring 2023, return Spring 2024 )
  • Wolverhampton New Cross Christmas Carols
  • Local Care home Christmas Carols
  • Termly Y4 concerts to parents
  • Autumn & Summer music school orchestra performances
  • Y5 Peripatetic lessons -guitar


Please ask to view a paper copy of our Medium Term Plans, end points for assessment and progression documents.

Music Mark

We are proud to have been awarded the Music Mark School status 2023 and 2024. Recognising our commitment to provide high quality music education for all pupils. 

Supporting at Home:

Each half term, knowledge organisers that include music vocabulary, skills and knowledge to include in conversations and projects at home will be sent to you.