In school, we use these resources for prayer, liturgy and RE. We hope you find these useful to use at home too this half term. Look out for the weekly Wednesday Word emails you receive too.
Welcome back to the Summer term.
We are determined to make sure every child makes even more progress than last term! Help us to allow your child to ASPIRE and ACHIEVE highly.
Attendance and punctuality are very important. Make sure your child arrives on time (8:40am) and every day please.
Our academy attendance target is for the attendance of all pupils to be above 96.5% this year. So far, our average is below this, 94.8%.
If your child’s attendance is below our target of 96.5% we will be inviting you in for a meeting to improve this. Please read the latest attendance letter here.
Today, the whole school has taken part in a wonderful, peaceful retreat led by One Life Music. Thank you to Dan and Emily for helping us in our journey of getting ready in this special season. Let His Glory Shine!
Last week, Year 5 had the exciting opportunity to go to the National Space Centre in Leicester. They explored the amazing Rocket Tower by climbing 244 flights of stairs and investigated the six space-themed galleries. They even watched a show called ‘Astronaut’ in the UK’s largest Planetarium.
We celebrated National Poetry Day with a host of activities. Parents joined us in our reading and writing poetry workshops, where we produced amazing poems on this year’s theme ‘Refuge’. It was great to see pupils working alongside their parents and other children in different year groups.
Pupils in Year 2 & 3 visited The Grand Theatre to meet an author – Benji Davies. They heard all about the process of writing and listened to him read his new books! Pupils were surprised with their own copy of his latest book!!
In the afternoon, pupils learnt a poem and performed it to other classes. They focused on their speech and language skills as well as their performance skills.
Year 5 enjoyed their first guitar lesson with Mr Moffet. They learnt how hold the instrument and how to play key notes. Well done Year 5!!!
All pupils who visited Springvale library with their class in June or July can return their book to any Wolverhampton library and begin their READY SET READ Challenge to win prizes.
Please also use your school reading challenge booklet to earn house points by reading here, there, anywhere! #whatareyourreading
Please click here for this month’s E-Bulletin from the Wolverhampton Information and Advice service. Remember this service is there for YOU as parents. Many links are to excellent workshops, events, guides and more. Speak to Ms Picken or Mrs McHale if you need any further support.