After visiting SS Mary & John’s in town last week, Y2 children invited Father Pawel to come and join them in their class. He spoke about the role of the church as well as recapping the parts of our church fused to celebrate Catholic sacraments. Children then prayed together in a liturgy. Thank you Fr Pawel!
Today, we have a spiritual retreat focusing on the Lord’s Prayer. Children have explored; what the lines of this universal prayer mean to them; saying the prayer in different languages; religious artwork,; using Makaton to sign the prayer that Matthew’s Gospel teaches us from Jesus’s sermon 2000 years ago; meditating upon words of importance and more.
Children have been reflecting on scripture that shows us how to be welcoming to our brothers and sisters. Refugee Week has helped us understand the importance of a welcoming smile and people who help you settle in a new, safe place. Thank you to the children who have designed posters of welcome to display around our school community,.
Some of the children had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Good Shepherd Mass at St Michael’s Church today.
As a school, we are always thinking of ways to help others – working in solidarity for the common good. ✝️
Raising money for the Father Hudson charity is one way we do this.
Year 5 had so much FUN today after going to The Halls in Wolverhampton to join in with the amazing concert put on by The Wolverhampton Music Service. We sang our hearts out!
️Today, the whole Church celebrates the Solemnity of Pentecost.
Also called the ‘birthday of the Church’, we are reminded of the first disciples being transformed by the Holy Spirit to go and spread the Word of God with courage, love and understanding.
We pray to the Holy Spirit for strength and courage on this special day, looking to the first disciples for guidance.
Today the whole school honored the Virgin Mary with our May Procession and Crowning. Pupils presented Mary with a crown of flowers and laid bouquets around her. Together, the whole school and parents, said the Rosary as we processed outside to our Peace Garden.
Today, we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension together as a whole school. We reflected on the scripture in the Homily with Fr Pawel. Thank you to our prayer leaders for reading beautifully and KS1 children helping too.
“I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” ~ John 20:17.
Our May Procession is on Friday 10th May at 9.30am. All welcome. Children can bring a flower to honour Our Lady. Our daily prayers include Marian devotions throughout May. Join with us from home using this resource