School gates are open from 8.30am in the morning.

School doors open to pupils at 8.45am where they are expected to ‘walk into learning’ to immediately warm up their brains ready for a great day of high performance learning! Our classrooms are calm and organised environments for your child’s education each day.

Registration of our pupils takes place between 8.45am and 8.55am. Please make sure that your child is on site and ready to learn by this time. (READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE).

All gates and doors will be locked as soon as the children have gone into their classrooms.

If your child is late (we expect this to be rare please)  you must safely accompany your child to the main office.

The school day finishes at 3.15pm.

*During Covid restrictions, staggered start and end times have been used to keep everyone separate and safe. Please see the location and times for your child’s class VIEW HERE . This was sent to all parents by text, letter and video.