Regular attendance and punctuality are top priorities with staff and our Academy Committee at St Teresa’s Catholic Primary Academy.

We realise that for our pupils to achieve a good standard of academic and social success in school they need to attend school on a regular basis. We also understand that we need to work closely with our families and outside support agencies in order that our policy is support of term time absences.


It is a statutory requirement for all schools to attain attendance levels set by the Government. St Teresa’s Catholic Primary Academy’s attendance target this year is 96.2%. However, the aim is for all individual pupils to have 100% attendance.

From September 2015 if a child’s attendance falls below 91% they will be deemed a Persistent Absentee. St Teresa’s monitors absences of all children that fall below 96%. Lateness affects children’s attendance levels. If a child does become a ‘persistent absentee’, the school and the Local Authority have a legal duty to act to support parents to improve attendance. The Multi Academy Company (MAC) Education Welfare Officer also monitors attendance levels and regular meetings are held with parents where attendance is a concern.

St Teresa’s Catholic Primary Academy bands its pupil’s attendance as below:

100% – outstanding
98.01% – 99.9% (with no unauthorised absence) excellent
96.01% – 98% (with no unauthorised absence) good
90.01% – 96% concerns or requires improvement
90% and under – persistent absentee

In line with government legislation that came into force from 1st September 2013, we at St Teresa’s will NOT authorise any term time absence, unless in exceptional circumstances. If you feel your situation exceptional then you will need to make an appointment. All requests for a planned absence are to be made in writing in line with the Academy policy. A letter is then sent from the Principal to give clear guidance about whether the time request off school will be authorised or not.

If your child has unauthorised leave of absence, you could be issued with a penalty notice or, the local authority directly to the magistrate’s court could refer your case.

If an appointment needs to be within school hours we will need to see proof of the appointment card and we will expect the child to attend school before or after the appointment if possible. Please bring the appointment card with you when you collect or return your child to school and show the office staff.

Each day your child is absent from school, is a day of their education they are missing out on.