Please see details below of staff who lead our curriculum subjects and the wider life of our school:

Mrs S McHalePrincipalDSL
Catholic Life/Collective Worship/World Wide religions
Behaviour, Attendance & Inclusion
Curriculum – Teaching, Learning & Assessment
Professional Development
Pupil Premium, CYPiC
Early Years
Extended Schools/ Wider curriculum
New arrivals/ seeking refuge liaison
Ms T PickenAssistant Principal

Y6 English Teacher

(mat leave)
Catholic Life/Collective Worship/World Wide Religions
Curriculum - access and inclusion for all learners
Induction Tutor for new staff
English Leader (covering mat leave)
Phonics & Reading
PSHE / Relationships Education Leader
British Values Leader
Mrs B SohkerPastoraldDSL
Attendance, wellbeing & pastoral lead
Parent liaison officer
Punctuality Champion
New arrivals/ seeking refuge liaison
Mrs E PricePastoraldDSL
Attendance, wellbeing & pastoral
Medical Needs & SEND Key Worker
Mental Health & Wellbeing Champion (training completed June)
Creative play therapist (Training completed Oct 23)
Mrs R WilcoxActing Assistant Principal
Y5 Teacher
RE/Catholic Life/Collective Worship/World Wide Religions/ Catholic Social Teaching
Music Leader
ECT Mentor
Educational Visits Coordinator
Mrs A WilkinsonActing Assistant Principal
Y5 Teacher
Maths Leader
RWI (Phonics) Leader
ECT Mentor
Cultural Capital
Mrs A DehalY4 TeacherPE Leader
Geography Leader
History Leader
Intra-school & external competitions
Mrs K GrangerY4 TeacherMusic Leader
Miss S LeghY2 TeacherScience Leader
PSHE Leader
British Values Leader
Miss D KennedyY1 TeacherDesign & Technology Leader
Miss L HillReception TeacherArt & Design Leader
Mrs K SandhuY6 TeacherKS2 Leader - Teaching & Learning, Behaviour & Equality
EAL Coordinator
MFL Curriculum & progression KS2
Pupil Leadership mentor