What is a School of Sanctuary?

  • A place that fosters a culture of welcome and safety for people seeking sanctuary, including asylum seeking and refugee families.
  • Educates the whole school community about the human right to sanctuary and identifies practical means for schools to demonstrate that commitment.
  • Builds empathy and intercultural awareness through promoting the voices and contributions of people seeking sanctuary, encouraging an understanding of the experiences of displaced people and helping to combat stereotypes.

St Teresa’s Commitment to the City of Sanctuary

St Teresa’s signed the City of Sanctuary Organisation Pledge which affirms our commitment to their vision of welcome for all in the UK.

The Organisation Pledge:

We support the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution.

We endorse the City of Sanctuary Charter, and agree to act in accordance with City of Sanctuary values and apply the network principles within our work (as far as our specific context enables us to).

We recognise the contribution of people seeking sanctuary. Sanctuary seekers are welcomed, included and supported within our context. We expect our branches or local groups (if any) to support their local City of Sanctuary group if one exists, and will facilitate contact between them and their local City of Sanctuary group.

Young Interpreters Scheme

This is a fantastic scheme where children support other children with little or no English. They speak a range of languages and support during break times to help children find friends and integrate into daily school life.

Our team of supportive children receive training sessions, a badge and a notebook to make them recognisable and to help them welcome new children to our caring and inclusive school. It is a rewarding role and the successful candidates are selected due to their compassionate and caring nature.

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